drawing by Jenny Soep,
guitar, vocals etc by Jer Reid,
dance and movement by Monica de Ioanni.
We honestly think the possibilities of interaction between the creative elements and the people involved are wide open. Sound is more spatial when it is interacting with dance, the graphic elements of dance are more explicit as they interact with projected drawing, drawing becomes more cinematic with a live sound track. And so on.
We respond to the transforming geometry of the intersections of us three, and our/ it's relation to the architecture, and the people inside the architecture.
Three Lines is a progression of previous duos between Jer Reid and Jenny Soep and Jer Reid and Monica de Ioanni as part of Winter Cycle improvised dous 2010-2011. http://wintercycle.wordpress.com/
<I am really into the idea that all people are naturally creative beings and not just what we or others think we are, as specific things like musicians, dancers, artists, etc.
these are just forms that facilitate our expressions; performance is time and space where and when we might be able to transcend these boundaries…. it would be some kind of revelation for both audience and performers!> monica
Performed within the annual festival of mould-breaking music, sound and performance research : Sound Thought @ The Arches, Glasgow
Performed within the annual festival of mould-breaking music, sound and performance research : Sound Thought @ The Arches, Glasgow