
video stills from Departure 2011

Departure: Haleh Jamali and Monica De Ioanni
2011, Video projection, Loop, HD, 5:00 minutes, color, for single or two channel projection

In Departure, Monica collaborates for the first time with artist;  Haleh Jamali. The figure is set against a white ground wrapped in fabric to create different shapes, sometimes very abstract ones. Monica was very intrigued by Haleh's idea to explore the relationship between women and fabric and more specifically the drapes and forms created by the veil and the invisible gaze of the veiled women. Monica and Haleh then developed together a choreography and a photographic set for this video. The dancer here uses fabric as a symbolic means to show the struggles and sometimes the frustration of individuals who’s identity have been disguised. In her endeavour she tries to overcome the obstacles and reveal her identity.

If you would like to watch the video 
at  please contact me at

Departure is exhibited at:  click here


link to Haleh Jamali web site here