Monica’s interest is to connect both with place and with the creativity of the viewer/participator involved in her performances. She develops her work in different site-specific settings and her style refers to Third Theatre approach. Through performance she aims to bring to light the connection between a contingent and intimate experience with a universal and timeless dramaturgy. Monica has been trained independently in Contemporary Dance (Damiano Molinary), Dance Improvisation (Merav Israel, Martin Keogh) , Physical Theatre (ODIN Teatret), Dance Theatre (Julie Stanzack Wuppertal Tanzteater of Pina Baush), Dance of Orixias (Augusto Omolù), Intercultural Theatre Practice (TEATRO POTLACH ISTA – International School of Theatre Anthropology), Gambuh Theatre - Balinese traditional Dance Theatre practice (I Wayan Bawa). She studied Environmental Science (PhD in plants Biomechanics) and she has Professional Development Award in Arts Education in Practice (Children in Scotland and Scottish Arts Council).
Based in Edinburgh she is founder, company dancer and outreach developer in LaNua dance company. She participates in different community performing art projects in UK and abroad (Italy, France, Singapore, Bali, Australia).
She is also part of Breton puppet theatre company Théâtre de la Camelote and has a fascination in working with the Contemporary Marionette - it allows the emergence of singular and perceptible poetic universes.
“When I perform I dance from within the body. To dance is to think, to sense, to communicate through movements involving the whole body-mind, the memory and the life inside us”.
Monica has taken part in different performances nationally and internationally. Her most recent performances include: “Reflections” at the International woman’s day Tramway-Glasgow, “ENSO” at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2010 - Edinburgh, “Le dedans du dehor” at Manimagine festival -France, “Dissections” - HamletZar at the 176 / Zabludowicz Collection -London.
Based in Edinburgh she is founder, company dancer and outreach developer in LaNua dance company. She participates in different community performing art projects in UK and abroad (Italy, France, Singapore, Bali, Australia).
She is also part of Breton puppet theatre company Théâtre de la Camelote and has a fascination in working with the Contemporary Marionette - it allows the emergence of singular and perceptible poetic universes.
“When I perform I dance from within the body. To dance is to think, to sense, to communicate through movements involving the whole body-mind, the memory and the life inside us”.
Monica has taken part in different performances nationally and internationally. Her most recent performances include: “Reflections” at the International woman’s day Tramway-Glasgow, “ENSO” at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2010 - Edinburgh, “Le dedans du dehor” at Manimagine festival -France, “Dissections” - HamletZar at the 176 / Zabludowicz Collection -London.
Three lines – Collaboration with Jer Reid and Jenny Soep, Improvisation performance crossing projected drawing, live music and dance. The Arches, Glasgow and Videolab Edinburgh
FISH - Théâtre de la Camelote, Site specific /Puppets theatre performance. In collaboration with La Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille
Aquarium - Théâtre de la Camelote, Visual theatre performance for young audience. Théâtre à la Coque, Hennebont, France
STONES/AVANIM – LaNua, Site specific installation and dance performance. Old Ambulance Depot, Edinburgh (supported by Creative Scotland)
Lededansdudehor - Théâtre de la Camelote, Dance/Puppets theatre performance. In collaboration with La Paillette Theatre, Rennes, France
REFLECTIONS - LaNua, Installation and dance performance. Tramway, Glasgow. (supported by Creative Scotland)
Reverse - Site Specific Impromptu solo performance. Portobello beach, Edinburgh
HOLOGRAM - Body Theatre, visual-performance installation. Dance House, Glasgow
ENSO - LaNua, site-specific dance piece performed in different unconventional dance spaces (Dovecote Galley, Botanic Garden). Edinburgh Fringe Festival in collaboration with Dance Base Edinburgh (supported by Creative Scotland)
Dissections – 176 / Zabludowicz Collection, London
HamletZar project. Project funded by British Arts Council and developed in collaboration with ODIN teatret in Danmark, Dance Base in Edinburgh, Barbican in London.
You have a world – LaNua, Edinburgh in collaboration with Mela ARTSPACE Edinburgh
Rainbow Ride - Dance Ihayami, INVASIAN Fringe Festival Edinburgh
One shoe adagio – Artimmediate, International cross-art Theatre Barter. Isola delle Meraviglie Festival Teathre, Venezia, Italy
12 hours show-duet – Directed by Merav Israel, Contact Improvisation Dance performance, Total Kunst Gallery, Edinburgh
Labyrinth of the Imaginary - Living Theatre, Napoli, Italy
Departure - Collaboration with Haleh Jamali (visual artist), 2011 Video stills, loop, HD, 5:00 minutes, color, for single or two channel projection
April 2012 Live music and Dance Workshop for young people (14-18 years old) at Glue Factory (Glasgow). As part of Spiers Locks event.
June - July 2011 Camp Magic, Singapore
June 2011 Rainbow Lotus Project - Bangli Orphanage, Bali
2010 onward Our space our dance. Dance-Theatre project with Primary Schools and Community centres in Edinburgh
2009 onwards “expressive line” dance theatre performing project for community people
2004 - 2009 Art-Science communicator for Primary Education in “Science Festival”
01/2009 – 03/2009 “what do you like to dance?” Project. Dance workshops for teenagers in Craigmillar in collaboration with Craigmillar Community Arts, Edinburgh
June 2008 Craigmillar Community Arts: LaNua pilot project. dance the space with children
Spring 2007 Dance Workshop - Dance Base Outreach Programme - for pupils with severe learning difficulties at Oaklands School in Edinburgh
04/2007 - 05/2007 Contact Improvisation Dance at YacuYura Centre of Integral Education for Art, Ecology and Consciousness. Cordoba, Argentina
1998 – 2002 Assistant at “la Briciola” a project for social inclusion, rehabilitation and personal development of children and youth with disabilities, Italy.
2004-onward - Dance training with choreographer Merav Israel. The training focuses on dance improvisation, body-mind approach, choreography techniques and site-specific work.
2007-2010 - Bharatanatyam dance training with Dance Ihayami, Indian Dance Company
2009 - Forum Theatre Training with Julian Boal
2008 - Theatre improvisation workshop with AL Wunder.
2008 - Butoh Workshops with Lindsay John and Imre Thorman
2007 - Choreographic Mentoring workshop with Jonathan Burrows.
08/1997 - 08/1998 - member of “la Briciola” (Italian Charity organization) a project for Social inclusion, rehabilitation and personal development.